"The Concert for Bangladesh"

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Essay Database > History > North American History
On August 1, 1972,in Madison Square Garden, ex-Beatle, George Harrison, organized "The Concert for Bangladesh," with all proceeds destined for Bangladesh, a suffering area of India. It was a difficult time in the United States, the war in Vietnam was still raging, and people had grown hardened by the years of blood and violence. Those of us who had grown up watching the daily war horror scenes on the evening news were a touch bunch. After …

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…has revertd back to his pre-electric, pre-polka dot shirt days, and once again inhabits a person reminiscent of Woody Guthrie. His appearance makes this otherwise grainy, unattractive looking film, a cut above the usual rock concert film, although the finest moment is when George Harrison and Leon Russell join Dylan on the chorus of "Just Like a Woman." If you want to see some history of pop music, you will have to see this concert.