The Concept of Sin (King Lear)

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"I am a man More sinn'd against than sinning." (Lear: III.ii.ll.54-5) Sin and the evil it unleashes is one of the concerns of tragedy, since one character flaw or fault can set the protagonist/principle character in a play on a headlong course to disaster. His/her behaviour will also impact on others and may spawn/propagate/bring about further evils. The ancient Greeks and the writers and philosophers of medieval times …

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…virtues are: 1. PRUDENCE - caution so as to prevent future problems 2. TEMPERANCE - patience, moderation and the avoidance of excess 3. FORTITUDE - mental strength/determination in the face of adversity/hardship 4. JUSTICE - fairness in one's dealings with others 5. FAITH - trust in some kind of authority, for example, God 6. HOPE - the strong wish that something desired will come to be 7. CHARITY/LOVE - compassion and the giving of assistance to others in distress