The Concept of Beauty What is & what is not? How important is it and how much do you owe to evolution.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The concept of beauty and what it is or is not beautiful is a much debated and complex subject. Many different philosophers and psychologists over hundreds of years have devoted a great deal of time to understanding what makes something beautifully appealing and why. The approach I decided to look at was how is beauty truly perceived is it really in the eye of the beholder or is it part of an evolutionary process that …

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… whether research into the subject, it is entrenched into our psyche and therefor our societies and infects our visual perception of others. Thus striving to appear attractive maybe not be such a vain endeavour, yet supporting plastic surgery as a means to fulfillment is still hard to accept. Ideally humans should wholeheartedly support a healthy lifestyle that will in turn make you a happier person with a self-fulfilling prophecy of love for one's self.