The Communist Manifesto

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx Also words By Friedrich Engles and A JP Taylor Volumes and volumes could be written about communism, but in fact, the actual Communist Manifesto is a mere forty pages. Karl Marx, the principal former of communism as we know it now, later wrote many books fulfilling the outline or skeleton of communism, which is the Communist Manifesto. Communism cannot be summed up in one sentence, but it can be …

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…though communism does not exist in any countries any more except a few Oriental countries, it has helped and inspired many forms of working alliances like the Farmers Alliance, the National Grange and things like cooperatives. The Manifesto has inspired much corruption, but at the same time has also helped us, but the bottom line is that some of the ideas are against human nature and rights and human nature is not communism, but capitalism.