"The Color of Water". Book report on the novel by James McBride.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Many of us battle diversity everyday, yes battle diversity. How can you battle diversity, you ask? Every time a judgement is made on a count of skin color diversity is being battled against. Why do we, as a society, have theses social barriers that must be crossed every time someone of a different race, sex, or religion tries to interact with someone else. The Color of Water is a story of hope that throws away …

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…hope I can harbor. This book was a easy read and once it was started it was hard to put down. The format was a little hard to follow at the start but once I was used to it, it was very enjoyable. I recommend this book to anyone that likes true stories about compassion and standing up to a corrupt system. I hope this book stays in your lesson plan for years to come.