"The Color of Water".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Color of Water (A Black Man's Tribute to His White Mother) The English language only has one word for love. However, there are multiple types of love, with the strongest being the love you possess for your family. This love is not a strong devotion, lust for another, or love of God, instead, it is the inborn feeling that all people hold for their family members. The degree of love is the one and …

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…black. She was the color of water; she was his mother. Through the stories of these two families in The Color of Water, the author gives insight and meaning about family. Though the Shilskys had money and stability, the family failed with its lack of any love or meaningful relationships. Though the McBrides/Jordans faced many hardships, they pulled through with astonishing success due to the tenacity and love from the unusual Ruth McBride Jordan.