"The Color of Water" By James McBride a tribute from a black man to his Jewish mother

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In The Color of Water, author James McBride writes both his autobiography and a tribute to the life of his mother, Ruth McBride. Ruth came to America when she was a young girl in a family of Polish Jewish immigrants. Ruth married Andrew Dennis McBride, a black man from North Carolina. James's childhood was spent in a chaotic household of twelve children who had neither the time nor the chance to ponder questions of race …

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…Color of Water is a terrific book because it has told with humor and mixed in with sadness. When I started reading the first paragraph, I could not put the book down. When James describe his life you can feel the teasing, yelling, and the love. I would highly recommend this book to be read by all colors and faiths because it is about our nation's racial sickness and the possibilities of triumphing over it.