The Color Purple

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The letter describing the last dinner that Celie had before "breaking out of jail" was very emotional. The fact that she was beaten and abused caused all kinds of emotions. The letters that Celie's sister, Nettie, wrote were never given to her, and she took it personally. She was separated from the only person that loved her, and that was her sister. Her youth was stolen from her in vain. All of her problems were …

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…her husband. And most of all she helped her get on with her life. The letter was the turning point of the story. She let out all of her emotions. Everything that kept her in her invisible jail. She expressed everything that she was holding back, and exposed everything that was holding her back. The movie and the novel, together effectively depicted the emotional aura that filled that house. Bibliography The Color Purple, Ellis Walker