The Colonization of the Americ

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Essay Database > History
The Colonization of the Americas The modern day united states is in existence today because of the colonization done by the five nations of france, englan, the Netherlands, spain, and Portugal. These five countries began expanding out of their respective mother countries as early as the late fifteenth century, and continued to claim land and set up colonies as late as the mid seventeenth century. These countries had different motives and methods of colonization as …

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…relationship with the Amerindians, that is, the both fought against and traded with the Amerindians. The Dutch motives for colonization was the Patroon method. What this was that large plots of land were sold to immigrants by the Dutch West India company. The immigrants had to set up families on these plots of land and live there. While fur trade was the main form of business of these Patroons, the mother country also encouraged agriculture.