The Colonies by 1763--A New Society

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The American colonies turned out to be different from what the British had envisioned when they began to colonize the New World. It was, most likely the distance between the new areas that resulted in the various dissimilarities between Great Britain and America. As time passed and changes took place, the Americans were no longer British living in America, but Americans living where they belong. The changes in religion, economics, politics, and social structures illustrate …

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…the periods in which the Americans were able to live without British intervention, with their own laws. Knowing America can stand alone without the interference of the British, it took a stand and formed the American culture. With the "Americanization" of the people, the gap in difference between the colonies and Great Britain continued to increase in bounds. Eventually, the discrepancy of the two forced the movement for self-government soon followed by the American Revolution.