The Cold War: the causes, the action, and the effects. important people and events.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
Cold War Even before the end of World War II Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt had agreed that when the war ended, the frontiers of Poland should be changed and that Germany should be divided into zones of occupation. The Russians should also be able to count on friendly relations with the Eastern European countries. All of these decisions were to cause future trouble between the Soviet Union and the West. The Soviets managed to keep …

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…of American Scientists.? Publisher unknown. 20 February 2002 [Online] URL: [Date of access: February 22, 2002] 4. Bohlander, Richard. The Twentieth Century. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1992. 5. Cassutto, George. ?Cyberlerning-World.? Publisher unknown. 2000 [Online] URL: [Date of access: February 23, 2002] 6. Heater, Derek. The Cold War. New York: The Bookwright Press, 1989. 7. Isaacs, Jeremy, and Downing, Taylor. Cold War. New York: Brown and Company, 1998. 8. Warren, James A. Cold War. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1996.