The Cold War & the World

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Essay Database > History
The Cold War began after World War II in 1945 and continued until the early 1990s. The Cold War was primarily a political and ideological conflict that affected many countries around the world socially or economically. The Second World War destroyed the old diplomatic system of "great powers" and replaced it with a polarized world of two superpowers. Germany, Japan, and Italy were occupied and demilitarized at the end of WW2. France, Britain, and China had …

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…With all this confrontation happening on the home front, how would the Americans be viewed by the rest of the world? With the Cold War drawing to a close in the 1990s, you could understand why almost every country on the globe was affected by these events politically and economically. This world is like a big chessboard with politically leaders being the Kings, Queens, Castles and Horses and the rest of society are the Pawns.