The Cold War Brought Peace And Prosperity?

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Essay Database > History > World History
The Cold War Brought Peace And Prosperity? Although the Cold War had many negative influences on global society, it also helped to create a stable political world, as evidenced by the fact that during the Cold War era, there were almost no civil wars, nationalistic uprisings, and ethnic cleansings. As well, the world economic situation was greatly improved by the military build-up during the Cold War. The implementation of the American "Marshall Plan" and the …

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…of influence during Cold War era polarized the world into a "Black vs. White" situation; it also created an unprecedented level of military force balance and international security. BIBLIOGRAPHY Raymond L. Garthoff, Reflections on the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Brookings Institution, June 1989. Charles S. Maier. The Cold War In Europe. Markus Wiener Pub, April 1991 HighBeam Research, Cuba Missile Crisis. 2 May.2004/access<>