The Cold War

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Essay Database > History > European History
The Cold War is a term coined by journalist Walter Lippman given to the competition and tension between the United States and the Soviet Union from February 1945 until August 1991. (Lightbody 18) The main cause of the tension between the two giants was their ideal logical differences. The USSR was communist while the USA was capitalistic. These two ways of thinking contradicted each other, and it was in their nature that they would clash. The clash in …

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…The Soviets that tried to give nuclear weapons to the Cubans as a direct action to pose a serious threat to The United States. It was the USSR that tried to challenge us in our nuclear capabilities, thus giving the human race the capability to destroy the world. It was their aggressive nature imposing their ideological views in Eastern Europe that caused the United States to take action against their imperialism in a broken continent.