The Cold War

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
The Cold War is generally considered as the time period between 1945 and 1990. It was a diplomatic struggle and arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union; NATO and the Warsaw Pact; East and West. Trillions of dollars and rubles, Russian currency, were spent by the US and USSR. It was a time when everyone lived in fear. It also was a time of great technological advancement. Perhaps, some of the technological advancement such …

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…very different place today. There would not be the economic or military problems of today. It definitely shaped the last century. One cannot really guess at what life would be like today if the Cold War hadn't happened. Life would be completely different even if the Cold War had happened but one of the nations involved had decided to have a nuclear attack. In the latter case, there probably wouldn't have been life on Earth.