The Cold War

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Essay Database > History
The Cold War was an extremely long war that last from 1945 until 1990. It did not clearly start until 1945, but strained relations remained between the United States and the Soviet Union since 1917. The ending of WWII and the struggle between Communism and Capitalism, led to this unique war. This unparalleled war was between the Capitalist countries, including the United States, or the Eastern bloc and the Communist countries, including the Soviet Union, also referred to as …

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…e US economy thriving, due to Reaganomics, and the Soviet economy crumbling, helped bring about a change in the world (Jenkins, P. 56). Also, the Soviet system was falling apart and people began to cry out for freedom. Gorbachev tried to reform his country but they had fallen too far to come back. Basically, the Cold War ended because the Soviet Union was longer a superpower, and the complex world became dominated by the United States.