The Clash of Rights -My newspaper article based on the early days of the aborginal freedom ride group

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Essay Database > History > World History
The Clash of Rights. Earlier this morning, the police issued a statement regarding the confrontation between the Freedom Ride group, and the locals in the western New South Wales town of Walgett. "At round about midnight, there was a confrontation between the locals and the visiting Freedom Ride group. We understand that some force was used by the locals to intimidate the group, but we will not be pressing charges since no one has been …

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…most of the locals have already driven back the way they came. The Freedom Riders informed the Police about what unfolded that night, but nothing was done to the, in the opionion of the activists, prejudice of the entire white population of the town of Walgett. By the time you are reading this, the Freedom Riders will be at the town of Moree. Where hopefully, a repeat of the incident at Walgett will not happen.