The Civil War

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Essay Database > History
"Civil War" Historians have long debated the causes of the Civil War. Most say that slavery was the root cause. But some historians agree that the war had a number of causes. One which they agree was the sectional division between North and the South. They also point to the disputes between the federal government and the states over what rights and powers the states possessed. Historians further mention the lapse of politicians and the …

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…would last forever and that he would use the nation's full power to hold federal possessions in the South. One of the possessions, the military post of Fort Sumter, lay in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. The Confederates fired on the fort on April 12 and forced its surrender the next day. On April 15, Lincoln called for Union troops to regain the fort. The South regarded the move as a declaration of war. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**