"The Chrysanthemums" by John Steinbeck

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
As you know, women have often been portrayed as the weaker sex when compared to men but do not ask me why. It's been like that throughout the history of mankind. As a result of these assumptions, many women have been bravely trying hard to dissociate themselves from this frame of mind and become more independent with their lives. When John Steinbeck's short story "The Chrysanthemums" first appeared in the October 1937 edition of Harper's Magazine, …

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…of Elisa Allen. The main detail being that she is a strong woman on the inside although she seems to struggle in showing it throughout the story. Because of the tinker she is able to act, albeit for a short time, like that strong woman. One must ask themselves after reading this short story, if Elisa will continue this discontented lifestyle or will she finally blossom once and for all like one of her chrysanthemums?