'The Chosen' Film Review, include the historical context, religious context, character and theme analysis of the film.

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"The Chosen", set in the 1940s New York is a story about Reuven Malter and Danny Saunder's struggle for friendship despite their differing cultures. The Jewish adolescents meet as rivals. Danny Saunders 'accidentally' injures Reuven Malter, which brings them together and they become close friends. Danny's father, an immigrant rabbi, pursues the tradition of raising Danny in silence. Danny yearns for the diverse knowledge signified by Reuven's surroundings; whereas Reuven is captivated by Danny's close …

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…The Chosen allows us to get an idea of Orthodox Jew belief and practice. We perceive how strict they are with belief, tradition, customs and laws, the way they dress, arranged marriages and their strong opinion against Zionism. On the other hand, we view Reuven's Liberal Jew life as much less strict and carefree. We see that Liberal Jews wear everyday clothes and don't have a strict observance to Jewish belief, tradition, customs and views.