The Choosen

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
The Chosen The Chosen, a novel written by Chaim Potok, revolves mainly around the lives of four people. They include Reuven Malter, Mr. Malter, Reb Saunders and Danny Saunders. It mainly details the friendship between Reuven Malter and Danny Saunders and not as much around their fathers, Mr. Malter and Reb Saunders. Because the story revolves around the friendship of Reuven and Danny, I will focus on Reuven. The story takes place in Brooklyn around …

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…a friendship survive tough situations, etc. because there are no reasons to put any of my friendships through tough situations. I like The Chosen because it is the type of book that interests you. It is not the kind of book that you read only because you have to and do not really retain anything that the book has said. It is the kind of book that you want to keep reading and thinking about.