The Chinese Holocaust, The Rape of Nang King.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
It would be difficult to find anyone who is unfamiliar with unfamiliar with the broad overview of the Nazi Holocaust, in which six million Jewish people were systematically murdered by the Nazi=s, along with almost as many gypsies, POWs, gays, communists, and resistors. But until now, few have been aware that there was a Holocaust in the Chinese city of Nanking in 1937 that was just as brutal. Iris Chang, however, would like to change …

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…massacre@ (Chang, quoted in DePasquale, nanking.html.). This seems like a great deal to ask of a people who value their honor as deeeply as do the Japanese, and yet in fact it is small price to pay. Nothing can ever bring back those so horribly murdered at Nanking: Nothing can ever assuage the memories of those who survived. Iris Chang asks only for justice, and failing that , world recognition of her people=s suffering.