The Chinese Facing Discrimination in the United States

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Life was tough in China during the mid 19th century. People did not have enough food or money, and cities were overpopulated. Young Chinese men heard about opportunities for work in the United States such as farming, gold mining and railroad work. They believed it would be a great place to start over again. Young Chinese men came to this country with great hopes of making money, and sending it back to their families, and …

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…a feeling that he discriminated against me. I believe that this country can do something to reduce this problem. The experience of these Chinese immigrants proved that, if a group of people worked hard for the improvement of the country, they were not often appreciated nor treated fairly. The United States needs to show the world that this is a country of hope, freedom and liberty - not a country of prejudice, racism and discrimination.