The Children's Achievement Centre Windsor, Ontario

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
The Children's Achievement Centre is a child and family intervention service. It provides day treatment services for children with learning, emotional and behavioural difficulties. The mission of the Children's Achievement Centre, or C.A.C., is "committed to improving the quality of life as experienced by children, youth and their families." The C.A.C. was established in Windsor in 1970 from a direct need for a community-based child and family intervention facility. Since the time …

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…gt;The Children's Achievement Centre gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation. They are also funded by the Windsor Credit Union and the Windsor-Essex County Penny Saver. The C.A.C. also accepts donations for the public in the following forms: cheque/money order, Visa or Master Card, insurance policy, donation bearing a person's name, Memorial Gift, bequest, gift-in kind, Charitable annuities.