The Chernobyl disaster

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Essay Database > History
The Chernobyl disaster on April 26, 1986 is described as one of the most frightening environmental disasters in the world. The plant was made up of four graphite reactors, which were the most modern Soviet reactors of the RBMK-type. Two more of these reactors were still under construction at the station. Chernobyl was an obscure town in north central Ukraine (former Soviet Union) on the Pripyiat River near the Belarus border. Immediately its name was joined to …

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…the benefits and gave insufficient attention to the costs of immigration on the labor market. In my view, government should consider more aspects from the effect of immigration on labor market for making the policy well. Also, government should not put most responsibilities of unemployment on immigration in order to escape the blame from high unemployment because it is not fair to the contribution from immigration and make an unreal image of immigration to society.