The Charles Lindbergh Trial

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(12) Bruno Hauptmann vs. Charles Lindbergh (1934) In 1927, the headlines screamed the news that Charles Augustus Lindbergh had flown across the Atlantic Ocean. On May 20, 1927, Lindbergh took off from the Roosevelt Field in New York, on a plane named the Spirit of St. Louis. He crossed the Atlantic Ocean in thirty-three and a half hours, covering 3600 miles in his journey, and landed in Paris. This trip was to be rewarded with a small sum of $25,000. When he …

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…An aggravated form of kidnapping occurs if the purpose of the act is to obtain ransom or reward, use the victim as a shield or hostage, facilitate the commission of another offense, such as robbery or rape or terrorize or inflict bodily injury on the victim. In the United States, a federal statute known as the Lindbergh Act makes it a federal felony to transport a kidnap! ped person across a state line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**