The Character of Lucie Manette in A Tale of Two Cities

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Lucie Manette, in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, is a quiet young woman. She is deeply compassionate but never develops a real believable character. Her feelings, which are similar in all cases, are revealed to us when she interacts with her father Dr. Manette, Charles Darney, and Sydney Carton. During the scene in the shoemaker's shop the reader learns about daughter Manette through description, actions, and her words. First off, we picture …

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…and because we don't fully know her, we are left wondering what part of her character, or personality, makes her so attractive to everyone. After studying the character of Lucie Manette, we can conclude that she is a compassionate, young, quiet, and attractive young lady. However, many of these traits do not ever become fully developed. Some scholars feel that Dickens did not make Lucie as much of a true-life character as he should have.