The Changing Face of Public Housing. HUD's HOPE VI Program.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
Chicago CHA History By 1950, public housing projects had risen in cities across the country. Their advocates in the National Housing Conference declared these projects a success, asserting that they had given low-income families their first opportunity to live in a decent, healthy environment. And the benefits, they claimed, extended to cities as a whole. By improving the social ills bred by slums public housing had saved taxpayers vast costs for police, fire, health and crime …

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…ne 1994, Political Fates Tied to CHA Projects, By Scott Burnham U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Fewer People Live in High-Poverty Neighborhoods in Baltimore, Study Shows; Knight Ridder Tribune Business News, Washington; May 18, 2003; pg. 1 Rediscovering the inner city; Miller, Cyndee; Marketing News, Chicago; Jan 17, 1994; Vol. 28, Iss. 2; pg. 1, 2 pgs Public housing at a crossroads; [ALL Edition]; Ross Atkin Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor; Christian Science Monitor, Boston, Mass.; Mar 12, 2003; pg. 11