The Challenger

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
As the 1980's approached, the launch of a space shuttle was almost as routine as a trip on an airliner. Space travel had been successful on 24 missions. Most people thought the danger of space travel was nearly eliminated. On January 28, 1986, they were proven wrong. The orbital Challenger was preparing to make it's tenth flight. Everyone in America watched as the seven crew members prepared for Mission 51-L. One of the seven crew members was Sharon …

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…the next launch, the Discovery, on September 29, l988, the memory of the Challenger had not faded away. Even now, people recall that memorable day in January of l986, when a crew of seven men and women lost their lives in a tragic incident for the advancement of space travel. "Challenger reminds us that we should never quit reaching for the stars." (quote by Barbara Morgan, backup for Christa McAuliffe and the next teacher in space)