The Challenge of Abortion

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, Mifepristone, Roe vs. Wade and abortion are all terms that provoke a controversy no matter where they are used. Abortion has long been an issue face by health care administrators because of its ethical impact on our society and the arguments provided by both sides (pro and con). This paper will provide information on what the two parties (Pro-Life and Pro-Choice) are really fighting for and detail what actions are being taken by …

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…vs. Wade. (n.d.) Retrieved November, 20, 2003, from 3. Ethics. (n.d.) Retrieved November 20, 2003, from 4. Goals. (n.d) Retrieved November, 20, 2003, from 5. Hyde Amendment. (n.d.) Retrieved November, 20, 2003, from 6. Hyde Amendment. (n.d.) Retrieved November, 20, 2003, from www.hcl.chass 7. Gardner, C.A., (1993) Is the Fetus Alive?, from Baird, R. M., Rosenbaum, S.E., The Ethics of Abortion (pp. 263-265) Prometheus Books