The Causes of the Great Depression and Stock Market Crash of 1929.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
KQ: What caused the Great Depression? Objectives:  Give reasons for the stock market crash of 1929.  "Map" the path from recession to the Depression.  Support a theory as to the cause of the Depression. The stock market crash of 1929 was an event that virtually crippled the nation's economy, sending America into a state of panic and poverty. But the events leading up to --and possibly becoming the causes of-- the crash were what really would "make …

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…of jobs and there were warehouses full of unsold goods. If the citizens of the US had been more careful with their money and wiser with their investments, there may not have been such a serious crash. Perhaps a recession, which is perfectly normal for a healthy economy, but not a crash. The lack of regulation in the stock market and the overall weakness of the economy were most likely the causes of the Depression.