The Causes and Effects of the Homestead Strike

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The Homestead Strike was a very violent, but important event to the people of the American Business Industry. The violent act of a desperate businessman, in attempt to retain peace, killed many men. The infamous story of the Pinkertons changed the ways of American business agreements. The Homestead Strike changed the traditional American business environment by creating new laws and the awareness of the need for peace in business world. The Carnegie Steel Company was …

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…formation of the U.S. Department of Labor, and the formation of many other unions. The Homestead Strike was a mere start of labor problems in the United States. People that directly influenced this event were Hugh O'Donnell, Andrew Carnegie, the Pinkertons, the unions themselves, and Henry Clay Frick. The Homestead Strike forever changed the path of labor-management in the U.S. for the better, creating new laws and the formation of many new unions.