The Causes and Effects of the Different Types of Terrorism.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
Terrorism has been widely known to all of the world for many years. "It exists as a means of making a government or group aware of certain needs that they must change something by creating fear and destruction". But why do people have to resort to violent acts such as: bombing, assassinations, and hi-jacking? How do and how can individuals and organizations justify these acts of terror? During the last few years, many groups of …

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…East is wrong in the way they handle things or who is to say that the United States is right in the way we go about our business? As the world is so diverse with many ideologies, economical, and political beliefs, it is probably safe to say that terrorism in some form of another will always be a tool used by people who don't have what they want to try and gain what they want.