"The Case" A Critical analysis of the article "Making His Case" by Karen Tumulty, "Attacking Iraq, Think Again," by Mark Strauss, & a speech on Oct 8, 2002, by Pres Bush.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
The debate about the relationship between the United States and Iraq is a hot topic these days, and there are many differences of opinion to consider. In comparing the speech given by President George Bush, "Saddam Hussein is a Threat to Peace," to an article written by journalist Mark Strauss entitled, "Attacking Iraq, (Think Again)," we see that these two agree on some points, but disagree on more. There are three topics that both men …

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…and his offers of asylum to known terrorist leaders is a matter of record. These are important issues with serious outcomes. George Bush and Mark Strauss both clearly desire results that benefit our country, and ultimately our world. We can only hope that the right decisions are made at the right time. Works Cited Bush, George W. "Saddam Hussein Is a Threat To Peace" Tuesday, October 8, 2002, Cincinnati, Ohio Strauss, Mark. "Attacking Iraq. (Think Again)." March, 2002