The Cambodias Best-Known Literature Culture Hero

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Choun Nat is known as the most impressive literature and cultural promoter that Cambodia every produced. Many claim Choun Nat revitalized Cambodian cultural identity. Sadly he is not world-widely recognized as those in the developed countries, due to Cambodia¡¦s immense isolation and misery over the past decades. The purpose of this scope of paper is to awaken the Cambodians and foreigners alike, not to ignore our remarkable role …

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…kind! A whole of his life was to donate to revitalize the cultural identity of Cambodia. Knowledge about Choun Nat life would be of great model for the next generation -- how could Choun Nat delegate the enormous obligations? Anyone ignore Choun Nat would lose great intellectual wealth. Choun Nat¡¦s biography is classified into the cultural heritage of Cambodia, and Cambodia must preserve this cultural heritage. Rhys Brooks