The California Gold Rush

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Prologue Gold, from the Old English word Gelos. Its is the most prized element in the world. It's Periodic element name is Au, which was derived from the Latin word Aurora, "shining down." '[Gold] was prized by all the earliest of civilizations--Egyptian, Minoan, Assyrian, Etruscan--and crafted by them into wondrous shapes that survived the millennia.'[1] The beauty and scarcity of gold, led many to search for the valuable ore. In the struggle to …

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…say 'I made it. I did it. I can take care of us now. We can buy that section of land over there. We can move, we can do what you want. I'll buy you that dress, I'll buy you that necklace. I'll get those horses, we will get a new coach, we can have what we want.' My god, what a moment in life. And that was the promise of the Gold Rush.". [3]