The Bushido Code

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
<Tab/>The Samurai's Tale, a book written by Erik Haugaard, portrays a perspicuous image of Japanese society in Medieval Japan. The Bushido Code, a code of conduct which stresses 6 values and is followed by all samurai, plays an important role in this book. The most prominent of these values are loyalty, courage, and honor. <Tab/>To begin with, loyalty, or being faithful to one's lord, is an …

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…honor. By motivating samurai to follow the 5 other values of the Bushido Code, honor is the key to Medieval Japanese society. <Tab/>Overall, loyalty, courage, and honor played a vital role in The Samurai's Tale. These and the other 3 values of the Bushido Code were also very important in Japanese society during the 1500s. Only by understanding these values, can we truly envision what life was like back in Medieval Japan.