The Burning Power of Mississippi Law Law is power, a power which was abused in Mississippi, 1964.

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Power is defined as "the ability or official capacity to exercise control". Many film directors accept the imbalance of power as the basic premise of their films. They will position the audience to recognize individuals and/or groups who have power, and those who are disempowered through race, gender, age, socio-economic status, physical attributes, knowledge, beliefs and values etc. Often, the film's story will explore the journey to empowerment of the disempowered individuals and/or …

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…Parker enables us to witness a discreditable period in humankind and learn from it. The disquieting thing is, though, that truth of history reveals that the whole episode was only investigated in its day for the simple reason that two of the three murdered were in fact white. This being the moralistic standpoint, it is no wonder that racism lurks as an unconquered epidemic of the mind, sadly still haunting man in this advanced age.