The Bunyip and The whistling kettle

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Analysing 'The Bunyip and the whistling kettle' written by the Australian poet John Manifold The poem 'The Bunyip and the whistling kettle' was written by the modern Australian poet John Manifold. He is telling the story of a modern camper who goes into the bush oblivious to the danger in the area. He does not know what the bush is really like and is too careless in what he does which eventually leads to him …

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…began to see that there was more to the poem that first meets the eye. A good poem or novel is one that you can read time and time again finding new meanings and messages that you didn't see before. I normally hate Australian poetry about the bush and avoid reading it at all costs. This proves that must be a good poem if someone with an attitude like mine can enjoy it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**