The Broken Spears The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico

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Essay Database > History
What three factors contributed to the defeat of the Aztecs? Though there appear to be several factors involved in the defeat of the Aztecs, three stood out above the others: (1) superstition, (2) weapons and warring tactics, and (3) the introduction of new diseases. Ten years prior to the arrival of the Spaniards, there were eight signs or omens that appeared to predict the downfall of civilization or the end of the world. Superstition, omens, magicians, signs, etc. …

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…that the Spaniards brought with them to this new land. The Aztecs had no immunity to the diseases such as smallpox and measles and countless died or were weakened. All three factors, superstition, weapons and war tactics, and disease helped in the conquest of the Aztecs. Had there been no predetermination of the future to hold them back, despite inferior weapons and disease, I believe the Aztecs could have succeeded in sending the Spaniards home.