"The Bridge of San Luis Rey"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Marquesa was a kind, compassionate, religious, and eccentric woman. Sometimes, she would walk out of the church or theater in the middle of a service or play. She even dressed a little awkward, but she had a heart of pure gold. Her daughter wanted almost nothing to do with her, yet she showered her with attention and love. She helped those who needed it, and even forgave Camila when she apologized for being so …

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…was all that she needed in her life, someone to love her. As soon as she found out that the little girl did have love for her, her whole outlook on life and love changed, and she made a resolve to change that outlook as soon as she returned home. She did not get a chance to get home and follow through with that resolve, but she did die a very loved and changed woman.