"The Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
This is just a : Do you want to live in this world essay. The Brave New World In The Brave New World, their society is unique compared to the reality that I live in. They may have many advantages and disadvantages if it is compared to our society. Brave New World's utopia would be nice to have in our society. Having to place myself in their world would never happen. I do not think living …

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…choice would have to be brave new world because there are no diseases. While on the other hand if they are like me, which do not prefer to have intercourse constantly, they would stay in our society. Both brave new world and ours share one thing in common. "Every one works for every one else. We can't do without any one...(49)" which is true because without someone, changes the way of life for someone else.