The Brain

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
The brain is the portion of the central nervous system inside the skull. The brain is the control center for movement, sleep, hunger, thirst and all othervital activities. All emotions like anger, fear, sadness are controlled by the brain. The medulla oblangata is the long lower most part of the brain system. At the top it is continuous with the pons and the midbrain. At the bottom it makes a gradual transition into the spinal …

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…almost 85% of the brains weight. The two cerebral hemispheres are partially separated from each other by a deep fold known as the long itudinal fissure. Communication between the two is through several concentrated bundles of axons, called comissures, the largest of which is the corpus callosum. Overoall the main purpose of the brain is to keep the body alive, healthy and to maintain a good life. The brain is 3 pounds and is pinkish gray tissue.