The Boston Teaparty and American Revolution: The Story of George Robert Twelves Hewes. About the book: "The Shoemaker and the Tea Party" by Alfred F. Young

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Essay Database > History
The revolution in America gained momentum as Britain continued to pass new taxes and send more soldiers to the continent. The American people, along with their anger over the Appalachian Mountain boundary, did not enjoy these new taxes. Their protests and demonstrations were initially only in defiance to the new laws, but as their patience was continually tested, their thoughts turned towards independence. Although the idea of independence came about slowly, it is inaccurate to …

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…centuries old super-power. There were certainly loyalists who maintained that the colonies should stay under British rule and even fought for the British in the Revolutionary War. But by 1776 and in the years following, a majority of the people were eager to fight what they considered a war for liberty. They were excited and willing to battle for their freedom from the British Crown and to earn the right to set up their own government.