"The Book of Margery Kempe" by Margery Kempe

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While much attention has been brought upon Margery Kempe's behavior in her book The Book of Margery Kempe, an exploration of her movements is also essential in thoroughly understanding her book. One cannot fully understand the importance of her story and the meaning of her other behaviors without understanding her travels. She uses her travels as one medium to impose the importance of self on the social. Margery Kempe uses her travel as a medium …

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…as a whole. WORKS CITED Bowers, Terence N. "Margery Kempe as Traveler." Studies in Philosophy. 97:1 (2000) 1-29 Gastle, Brian W. "Breaking the Stained Glass Ceiling: Mercantile Authority, Margaret Paston, and Margery Kempe." Studies in the Literary Imagination. 36:1 (2003) 123-149 Lynch, Joseph H. "Religion With a Human Face." Christian History. 15:1 (1996) 8- 17 Neuburger, Verena. Margery Kempe: A study of English Feminism. (New York, 1994) 56-101 Powell, Raymond A. "Margery Kempe: An Exemplar of Late Medieval Piety." Catholic Historical Review. 89:1 (2003) 1-24