The Book of Jeremiah and his Lamentations- the trouble with his bowels and other such Biblical nonsense, verse-by-verse.

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JEREMIAH In this book Yahweh is in a bad mood throughout. He's constantly smiting and destroying anyone who irritates him and sends war, pestilence and famine to his own chosen people before scattering them. After a particularly lengthy tirade by the Amighty Jeremiah can take no more and cries out "My bowels! My bowels!". i.10: This assertion by Yahweh didn't exactly happen, unless one considers the Palestinians today, but then they aren't exactly a 'kingdom'. …

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…anger. If he were a mere mortal he would be advised to take anger management counselling. iv.17: The author has watched for a nation that could not save us whereas Jeremiah repeatedly warned against trusting other nations. iv.21: The writer tells the daughter of Edom to rejoice and be glad because thou shalt be drunken, and shalt make thyself naked. v.22: This verse brings to mind the question: Where has god been all this time?