The Bluest Eyes

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Pecola Breedlove is a twelve-year-old girl who is considered to be ugly and is traumatized by it. Throughout her life she searches for blue eyes because she thinks that she is able to obtain blue eyes she will be able to obtain beauty and therefore social acceptance. Pecola has no friends other then Claudia and Frieda and she is ridiculed by the other kids around town. She is abused by mostly everyone she comes in …

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…she dreams for blue eyes and searches for them. She is rejected because of her ugliness in a world that did not allow her to be ugly and continue a normal life. Eventually she becomes insane to accomplish her goal of gaining blue eyes; even though, these eyes are imaginary they in her mind allow her to fit in, in this world, but in the end she is rejected by everyone and suffers for it.