The Black Panthers.

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
In October 1966, following the execution of Malcolm X and the ghetto uprising in Watts, California, two young black men, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, both from Oakland, California founded the Black Panther Party for Self Defence. The leadership of the party outlined a Ten Point Program, articulating the fundamental wants and beliefs of the BPP. This manifesto demanded better social and political conditions, the right to self-determination, an end to police brutality and above …

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…guilty of a crime. Leader, Huey P. Newton was involved in the most famous of these, a murder case in which he was charged and acquitted three years later due to a lack of evidence. Police harassment was a large portion of the reason for the Panthers reputation as a terrorist group. I do believe, however that there is a large difference between the self-defence of the Black Panthers and the terrorism of the IRA.