"The Black Labrador Retriever" by Josh Abney

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
To understand the origin of the Black Labrador Retriever, it almost requires a study of the history of Newfoundland. Whalers and fisherman knew this so called "Newfoundland" as early as the fifteen century. The Labrador retriever originated on the cold reaches of newfound. This small water dog worked for the fisherman. The fishing boats could not come close to shore and it was the dog's task to swim in the icy water, dragging the full …

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…show people claiming that field lines do not much look like Labradors any more and lack correct temperament. The truth is likely somewhere in between. Dogs from field lines will generally have a lot of drive, and will often exhibit more energy. Dogs from show lines might not be as fast, but most are capable hunters, though not necessarily field trial material. Either type can make a pleasant companion for a day out of doors.