"The Birthmark", by Nathaniel Hawthorn. Essay Title: The "Perfect" Science; The Birthmark or the Beauty Mark.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Essay Thesis: This essay is generally about how the author of the short story, Hawthorne, wants to show the world that perfection is not beauty and that science should not alter the way that nature set man on this world to be. He was a major asset to the transcendental movement, and this short story is a perfect example why. In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Birthmark, the main character, Aylmer, wants to have a perfect wife. …

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…will stay this way for the rest of his life. He will never realize that nature places imperfections for a purpose, and as long as he lives, he will continue to try to improve nature and prolong the life it has given its people. He will completely miss the fact that the reason Georgiana died was not because he had the wrong formula, but it is because nature can not have anything that is faultless.